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GMBA Connect Event #1
迎茶WinDay No. 430號, Section 1, Keelung Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, 110We’ll be launching the GMBA Connect program wherein GMBAers get to network and hear from professionals from different industries. We’ll be having our first GMBA Connect event at 迎茶WinDay on March 27th (SAT) at 3PM. https://www.facebook.com/winday.tw/ We've invited Ms. Fenny Chang, Senior E-commerce Manager of Oddity Asia, to be our first speaker as she shares her experiences on adapting and managing different business environments in Taiwan and abroad. Entrance is FREE and the venue will be closed exclusively for our event. But you do need to purchase a drink from the shop. (tea) not a bad deal right? For sign ups, please hit up @Kyle Whitehouse directly. #GMBA #GMBAStudentCouncil